Bookmarks galore!

 I’ve had a bit of a crazy afternoon using up lots of scraps of fabric by making some bookmarks. I’m visiting lots of people over the next few weeks and thought these could be nice little Easter gifts for them. I haven’t added any interfacing, so they are quite flimsy, but being quite thin they don’t create any bulk in the books. Happy reading people!  


Purrfect hen party goodie bags!

You may remember that back in January I said I had a few surprise/gift projects to create. Well, I can now write about one of them as the event has just passed!

Next month a great friend of mine is getting married and I am privileged enough to be her bridesmaid 🙂 However, unfortunately  we are living 7000km apart and so I was unable to attend her hen party (don’t worry, I am going back to the UK for her wedding!). I wanted to contribute something to the hen party so decided I’d make some little gift bags for each guest which they could then take home as a memento of a great weekend. Plus, they would fold down flat for easy postage.

The bride-to-be is a huge cat fan, so when I saw this pretty cat and kitten fabric I just had to get some! Anyone who knows me well knows I’m not a big fan of cats, but even I thought it was cute! Plus it matches her spring-time colour scheme for the wedding so was just purrfect! I lined each bag with either yellow or blue and added ribbon or plaited embroidery threads for the ties. I can’t say they were the most straight forward to make; you’d have thought after number 7 or 8 I’d have got the hang of it, (I had 9 to make) but not quite! Plus threading the ties was fiddly! But, I was pleased to able to add something to the party and now can’t wait for the wedding! ❤